Update 01/12/2006 Thanks to Stephen Elson for debug
Update 01/13/2007 This is my last version that doesn't use global window.__onContent__ variable
Update 13/02/2007
Sorry guys for my choosed old title, thanks to Pierluigi that explained me what did it mean
function onContent(f){//(C)webreflection.blogspot.com
var a=onContent,b=navigator.userAgent,d=document,w=window,c="onContent",e="addEventListener",o="opera",r="readyState",
a[c]=(function(o){return function(){a[c]=function(){};for(a=arguments.callee;!a.done;a.done=1)f(o?o():o)}})(a[c]);
else if(/MSIE/i.test(b))d.write(s);
Here is where this "story" began, inside a Dean Edwards post.
After that there was a big list of comments, posts and tests ... for a second post and a better solution !
Dojo adopted that solution ... then came back to old one ... but someone has never stopped to test, to try or to find a "perfect" way to add DOMContentLoaded with every browser and expecially with Internet Explorer.
Mark Wubben and Paul Sowden did it, they've created a complete and portable solution that works with http and https pages too !
Wonderful work guys and ... as first point, thank you very much !
Now, I can show my personal DOMCOntentLoaded solution, explaining them as better as I can.
The first step, the real key of this code, is the source of used script.
It's not void, it's not //0 ... it's exactly this one: //:
and is what I had not to create my tiny, simple and portable solution.
Here is the func, called onContent ...
function onContent(f){//(C)webreflection.blogspot.com
var a,b=navigator.userAgent,d=document,w=window,
s="<scr".concat("ipt defer src='//:' on",r,"change='if(this.",r,"==\"complete\"){this.parentNode.removeChild(this);",c,"()}'></scr","ipt>");
w[c]=(function(o){return function(){w[c]=function(){};for(a=arguments.callee;!a.done;a.done=1)f(o?o():o)}})(w[c]);
else if(/MSIE/i.test(b))d.write(s);
... and this is the http test page, while this is the https test page.
Let me explain that unreadable function with a clear commented version :)
function onContent(callback){ // (C) webreflection.blogspot.com
// [please note that this code doesn't work]
// private scope variable
var IEStringToWrite = // this is IE dedicated string
"<script defer src='//:' onreadystatechange='
// if readystate is complete
if(element.readyState === "complete") {
// remove the element
// call the global variable
// the above string is necessary to use onreadystatechange property
// with an undefined page. In this way IE tell us the readyState
// of the current document
// to call callback function IE need a global scope variable
// this variable could call one or more callback
// then if it's already created we need to call the old callback
// then this new callback
window.__onContent__ = (function(oldCallback){
// returns a function that will set every callback fired
// [thanks to Stephen Elson for its suggest]
// to remove multiple callbacks with different
// events and different ways for each browser
return function(){
// set window.__onContent__ as empty function
// required by IE5
window.__onContent__ = function(){};
// verify that callee wasn't fired before
if(!arguments.callee.done) {
// set calle.done 1 as true fired value
arguments.callee.done = 1;
// checks if oldCallback isn't null or undefined
oldCallback(); // call them to preserve the right order
callback(); // call this scope callback function
// (sent calling onContent)
})(window.__onContent__); // undefined if is the first time we use __onContent__
// __onContent__ is my function to use as callback
// I need to add this function as event
// Opera 9 and FireFox both support DOMContentLoaded as well as
// addEventListener document method
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", __onContent__, false);
// if some browser supports addEventListener but doesn't support DOMContentLoaded
// event I don't need to care about that because this event will never be fired
// at the same time if Safari or KDE one day will support DOMContentLoaded
// I prefere use this dedicated in-core
// event instead of next trick that's quite horrible but works with Safari,
// KDE as Opera 8.5 and lower too
// that's why I don't use an else if but an if ... because the first time
// event will be fired __onContent__
// became an empty function ... then calling them twice is not a problem
// Safari and KDE
/WebKit|Khtml/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
// Opera less than 9
(window.opera && parseInt(window.opera.version())<9)
// runtime anonymous function
// checks if document.readyState is loaded or complete
/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState) ?
// then call __onContent__ , stopping internal loop
window.__onContent__() :
// or loops itself with the faster timeout
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1);
// at this point I've setted the DOMContentLoaded event for every browser
// but not for Inernet Explorer.
else if (/MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
// I can write dedicated string
My solution doesn't use conditional comments (I hate them !!!) ... and this is the compatibility list:
- FireFox 1 or greater
- Opera 8 or greater (I don't know 7)
- Safari 2 or greater (I don't know 1)
- KDE 3.4 or greater
- Internet Explorer 5 or greater (I don't know IE 5.2 for Mac)
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