Saturday, February 24, 2007

A better Singleton pattern example

JavaScript Singleton examples are often not so correct.
In these pages for example, top Google search results, any showed code is a Singleton design pattern:

Why these examples are not good enought?

As You can see, Singleton uses a private constructor and a static public method to get a uniq object instance.

// Java example
public class Singleton {

// Private constructor suppresses generation of a (public) default constructor
private Singleton() {}

private static class SingletonHolder {
private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();

public static Singleton getInstance() {
return SingletonHolder.instance;

In JavaScript a constructor can't be private but It should has a private variable so why we should use a public static instance property when we could have a private one?

// Singleton pattern with JavaScript
function Singleton(instance) {
if(!Singleton.getInstance) {
Singleton.getInstance = function(){
return instance;
}; instance = new Singleton;
}(new Singleton);

Constructor is public but it's assigned directly to have a single private instance that will be always the same everytime we call Singleton.getInstance public method.

function Me(
instance // private class instance
) {

// public static method (Singleton design pattern)
if(!Me.getInstance) {
Me.getInstance = function(){
return instance;
}; instance = new Me;

// generic public properties and methods = "Andrea";
this.surname = "Giammarchi";

this.whois = function(){
return" ", this.surname);

}(new Me);

// and now try to modify instance ...
var me = Me.getInstance(),
others = new Me({name:"No", surname:"Others"}),
you = Me.getInstance();

you.constructor.prototype = {

Me.instance = {name:"Private", surname:"Scope"};


alert(me === you && you === Me.getInstance());

The result is my name on first alert and true on second.
Is there a simple way to implement singleton with every class ? Of course :-)

Function.prototype.Singleton = function(instance){
if(!this.getInstance) {
this.getInstance = function(){
return instance;

function Me(){ = "Andrea";
this.surname = "Giammarchi";
this.whois = function(){
return" ", this.surname);
Me.Singleton(new Me);

var me = Me.getInstance(); = "webreflection";
alert(me === Me.getInstance() && === Me.getInstance().blog);

P.S. for MarCamp "fast demo": sorry guys, bad cut and paste on showed example, just add this line if You want to test the example (damn time !!!)
instance = new Singleton;

after getInstance declaration

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