Thursday, November 1, 2007

A quite totally standard enviroment before ECMAScript 4th Edition in less than 3Kb - JSL 1.8+

JavaScript Standard Library Revision

After the success of my old JSL project I learned more about JavaScript and I found some trick to solve different problems such setInterval and extra arguments for Internt Explorer, a function to evaluate code in a global scope with every browser as Internet Explorer does with its proprietary execScript.

Since these days We're waiting for ECMAScript 4th Edition, aka JavaScript 2 but since We always don't know when it should be really usable within productions, I choosed to create a revisited version of JavaScript Standard Library.

I removed Internet Explorer 4 support but I modified a lot of common prototyes to make them faster, more standard and more scalable than ever.
You can use, for example, every JS 1.6+ Array.prototype with HTMLCollections too as it's possible from many Years with FireFox or Safari:"div"), function(node){

I fixed different standard behaviours and I implemented setTimeout and setInterval.
I add execScript, not standard, but really useful when You need to evaluate JavaScript in a global scope with FireFox, Safari, Opera and every other as Internet Explorer does from many years with its own execScript global function.

JSL creates a quite totally standard JavaScript 1.6+ enviroment adding prototypes only to browsers that don't support them or that have different behaviours and everything in a hilarious size of 2.53 ... 2.86 Kbytes (gzipped) - new size is caused by an instant update, an XMLHttpRequest constructor (a wrapper) to allow every IE 5 to 7 browser to define XMLHttpRequest prototypes too.

With JSL You can forget your own not always standard prototypes implementations so every library size could decrease its code quickly, basing them on standard JavaScript 1.6+ enviroment and increasing performances for every standard browser like FireFox or Safari (about 40% of users ... growing up every day!).

This is the last chance to have a more standard Internet Explorer implementation because if We need to wait their fixes We should go better to sleep.

Have fun with JSL Revision and a quite real ECMAScript 3rd Edition enviroment.