JavaScript Standard Library Revision
After the success of my old JSL project I learned more about JavaScript and I found some trick to solve different problems such setInterval and extra arguments for Internt Explorer, a function to evaluate code in a global scope with every browser as Internet Explorer does with its proprietary execScript.
Since these days We're waiting for ECMAScript 4th Edition, aka JavaScript 2 but since We always don't know when it should be really usable within productions, I choosed to create a revisited version of JavaScript Standard Library.
I removed Internet Explorer 4 support but I modified a lot of common prototyes to make them faster, more standard and more scalable than ever.
You can use, for example, every JS 1.6+ Array.prototype with HTMLCollections too as it's possible from many Years with FireFox or Safari:"div"), function(node){
I fixed different standard behaviours and I implemented setTimeout and setInterval.
I add execScript, not standard, but really useful when You need to evaluate JavaScript in a global scope with FireFox, Safari, Opera and every other as Internet Explorer does from many years with its own execScript global function.
JSL creates a quite totally standard JavaScript 1.6+ enviroment adding prototypes only to browsers that don't support them or that have different behaviours and everything in a hilarious size of
With JSL You can forget your own not always standard prototypes implementations so every library size could decrease its code quickly, basing them on standard JavaScript 1.6+ enviroment and increasing performances for every standard browser like FireFox or Safari (about 40% of users ... growing up every day!).
This is the last chance to have a more standard Internet Explorer implementation because if We need to wait their fixes We should go better to sleep.
Have fun with JSL Revision and a quite real ECMAScript 3rd Edition enviroment.
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