Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Do You Like Browser Benchmarks? Here I am!

Hi guys,
today we will not talk about my last JavaScript ArrayObject creation :D

Today is the benchmark day, and in this case the test is as simple as explicative ... both Math object and scope are two things we use every day for whatever purpose in this baby Web 2.0 era!

Let me start directly with results (ORDER BY speed ASC):

Firefox 3.0b4
regular avg time in ms: 9.98
scoped avg time in ms: 3.18
encapsulated avg time in ms: 12.98

Safari 3.0.4 (523.15)
regular avg time in ms: 13.42
scoped avg time in ms: 6.42
encapsulated avg time in ms: 11.82

Opera 9.24
regular avg time in ms: 13.82
scoped avg time in ms: 9.6
encapsulated avg time in ms: 17.64

Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.17184
regular avg time in ms: 16.42
scoped avg time in ms: 6.82
encapsulated avg time in ms: 16.82

regular avg time in ms: 26.84
scoped avg time in ms: 42.06
encapsulated avg time in ms: 28.64

What kind of benchmark is it?

This is a double test that includes the usage of scoped shortcuts, and the usage of the object that you cannot absolutely get by without: the global Math one!

To understand better this kind of test, please look at these functions:

function regular(){
for(var i = 0, time = new Date; i < 10000; i++)
Math.round(i / Math.PI);
time = new Date - time;
return time;

function scoped(){
for(var round = Math.round, PI = Math.PI, i = 0, time = new Date; i < 10000; i++)
round(i / PI);
time = new Date - time;
return time;

function encapsulated(){
for(var i = 0, time = new Date; i < 10000; i++)
round(i / PI);
time = new Date - time;
return time;

The first one, is the most common in every day libraries / scripts, while the second one and the third one, are used by "a little bit more skilled" developers.

The second one, uses the same concept of my good old friend, the smallest FX library from 2006: bytefx

The scoped schortcut is absolutely the fastest way to use a global objet, constructor, whatever you want.

Just think about nested scopes, this amazing ECMAScript 3rd Edition more close to future than many other new program languages ... ( IMO, and sorry for exaggeration :lol: )

When you write the name of something in your scope, the engine looks obviously in the same scope, than in the external one, going on until the super global object, the window

This behavior is basically what should happen using the with statement as well ... but unfortunately, even if this is basically what's up, performances are clearly against the usage of absolutely comfortable with statement.

At the same time, there is one browser that you are probably using right now, that create a bit of confusion about everything I've just said right now: Firefox 2

With quite twice of time, using scoped shortcuts, this browser (the best I've ever used for years, and the one I'll use for other many years) reverse totally my conviction about how does scope work ... anyway, we are lucky because Mozilla staff is creating good stuff with Firefox 3 ... who cares about Firebird and other old versions? :D

Don't you really trust me and my results?
So do this bench by yourself :geek:

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