Wednesday, December 9, 2009

TaskSpeed - The Real Cheat

Inline "make" test that no library should "outperform" - this is a reply to this post which has few good points, we all know about browsers VS SunSpider, and other tests, but it falls down when it criticizes the TaskSpeed aim which is completely different.

"make": function(){
el = document.createElement("div"),
outperform_this = [],
i = 0, length = 250; i < length; ++i
outperform_this[i] = '<ul class="fromcode" id="setid' + i + '"><li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li></ul>'
el.innerHTML = outperform_this.join("");
for(var i = 0, fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), childNodes = el.childNodes; i < length; ++i)
return document.querySelectorAll("ul.fromcode").length
for(var childNodes = document.getElementsByClassName("fromcode"), length = childNodes.length, i = 0, l = 250; i < length; ++i){
if(childNodes[i].nodeName !== "UL") --l;
return l;
for(var childNodes = document.getElementsByTagName("ul"), i = 0, l = 0, length = childNodes.length; i < length; ++i){
if(childNodes[i].className === "fromcode")
return l;

Enjoy cheats, and feel cool!

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