Saturday, February 20, 2010


Quick post about a fast Function.prototype.bind implementation.


function bind(context:Object[, arg1, ..., argN]):Function {
return a callback able to execute this function
passing context as reference via this

In few words, if we have a generic object, we don't necessary need to attach a function to create a method:

// a generic function
function name(name) {
if (name == null) return; = name;
return this;

// a generic object
var wr = {name:"WebReflection"};

// a callback with a "trapped" object
var fn = name.bind(wr);


// wr has not been affected, // WebReflection

// fn can always be called
fn(), // WebReflection

fn("test") === wr, // true
fn(), // test // test


Designed to ensure the same context whatever way we decide to use the callback, included call, apply, setTimeout, DOM events, etc, Function.prototype.bind is one of the most useful/powerful JavaScript concept.
Unfortunately, this will be standard only with newer browser ...

Optimized bind for every browser

Update: as I have said I code what I need, I rarely google for simple tasks like this. Most of this code, in any case, has been readapted and tested to reach best performances, based on this proposal.

if (Function.prototype.bind == null) {

Function.prototype.bind = (function (slice){

// (C) WebReflection - Mit Style License
function bind(context) {

var self = this; // "trapped" function reference

// only if there is more than an argument
// we are interested into more complex operations
// this will speed up common bind creation
// avoiding useless slices over arguments
if (1 < arguments.length) {
// extra arguments to send by default
var $arguments =, 1);
return function () {
return self.apply(
// thanks @kangax for this suggestion
arguments.length ?
// concat arguments with those received
$arguments.concat( :
// send just arguments, no concat, no slice
// optimized callback
return function () {
// speed up when function is called without arguments
return arguments.length ? self.apply(context, arguments) :;

// the named function
return bind;


Why Bother

The concatenation optimization is something rarely present in whatever framework/library I have seen. While it makes the code a bit bigger than usual, performances will be the best for most common cases, those where optional arguments are not passed at all.
A simple test case, one of my favorites, able to solve the classic IE problem with extra arguments passed to setInterval/Timeout:


var callback = function(time){
if (1000 < new Date - time)
return alert("1 second with a default argument");
setTimeout(callback, 15);
}.bind(null, new Date);

setTimeout(callback, 15);


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