- has that function been invoked ?
- has that function received the expected context ?
- which argument has been passed to that function ?
- what was the output of the function ?
Update thanks to @bga_ hint about the output property in after notification, it made perfect sense
The Concept
For fun and no profit I have created a prototype which aim is to bring a DOM like interface to any sort of function or method in order to monitor its lifecycle:- the "before" event, able to preventDefault() and avoid the original function call at all
- the "after" event, in order to understand if the function did those expected changes to the environment or to a generic input object, or simply to analyze the output of the previous call
- the "error" event, in case we want to be notified if something went wrong during function execution
- the "handlererror" event, just in case we are the cause of an error while we are monitoring the original function
Basic Example
var nFromCharcode = String.fromCharCode.notifier({
before: function (e) {
if (e.arguments.length > 2048) {
throw "too many arguments";
e.preventDefault(); // won't even try to execute it
// in case you want to remove this listener ...
e.notifier.removeListener("before", e.handler);
after: function (e) {
if (e.output !== "PQR") {
throw "expected PQR got " + e.output + " instead";
handlererror: function (e) {
testFramework.failBecause("" + e.error);
// run the test ...
nFromCharcode(80, 81, 82); // "PQR"
nFromCharcode.apply(null, arrayOf2049Codes); // testFramework will fail
The notifier itself is a function, precisely the original function wrapper with enriched API in order to monitor almost every aspect of a method or a function.
The event object passed through each listener has these properties:
- notifier: the object create to monitor the function and notify all listeners
- handler: the current handler to make the notifier remove listener easier
- callback: the original function that has been wrapped by the notifier
- type: the event type such before, error, after, handlererror
- arguments: passed arguments transformed already into array
- context: the "this" reference used as callback context
- error: the optional error object for events error and handlererror
- preventDefault: the method able to avoid function execution if called in the before listener
- output: assigned only during "after" notification and if no error occurred, handy to compare expected results
I guess there is really nothing else we could possibly know about a notifier, and its callback, lifecycle, what do you think?
The Code
As Summary
I have also a full test coverage for this notifier and I hope someone will use it and will come back to provide some feedback, cheers!
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