Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Visual Studio 2008 - The good part

... whatever I said in the precedent post, at least VS9 let us extend it and create macros as well.

Unfortunately, I could not create a macro in C# so I had to use a language that I do not like at all, Visual Basic, and the result is an alpha macro that allows us to create "more clever" regions and outline for brackets as well.

More clever regions

There is another macro that goes around since Visual Studio 2005 but it has some bug and/or problem with nested regions plus it does not allow us to write directly in the region what the region is about

//#region whatever

--- to obtain
//#region whatever[...]

--- instead of
// another "boring" comment over the region

At the same time that macro put every region, nested or not, at the beginning of the line. It is not such a big problem, but I prefer this version.

Brackets outline

This is absolutely experimental and there are hundreds of problems, but for a couple of files it is doing its job.

What's next

Christmas, holidays, relax, if it is possible, and a better parser (a char by char via VB, I cannot even imagine me doing it!!!) so be patience please, and enjoy this alpha release :)

' JavaScript macro for bits and bops alpha version
' by Andrea Giammarchi - WebReflection.blogspot.com

Option Strict Off
Option Explicit Off
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Collections

Public Module JSMacros

Sub OutlineBrackets()
End Sub

Sub OutlineRegions()
End Sub

Private Function Outline(ByVal what As String)
Dim REGION_START As String = "//#region"
Dim REGION_END As String = "//#endregion"
If what = "Brackets" Then
ElseIf what = "Regions" Then
REGION_START = "//#region"
REGION_END = "//#endregion"
End If
Dim selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
Dim selections As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Dim regions As Stack
Dim current As Stack
Dim endIndex As Integer
Dim startIndex As Integer
Dim text As String
text = selection.Text
If text.Chars(text.Length - 1) <> vbCr Then
text += vbCr
End If
regions = FindRegions(text, REGION_START, REGION_END)
If what = "Brackets" Then
OutlineBracketsLoop(REGION_START, REGION_END, regions, selections, text, 0, 0, 0, regions.Count(), New Stack)
ElseIf what = "Regions" Then
OutlineRegionsLoop(REGION_START, REGION_END, regions, selections, text, 0, 0, 0, regions.Count(), New Stack)
End If
SetOutline(selection, selections)
End Function

Private Function CalcLineNumber(ByRef text As String, ByVal i As Integer)
Dim lineNumber As Integer = 1
While 0 < i
i -= 1
If text.Chars(i) = vbCr Then
lineNumber += 1
End If
End While
Return lineNumber
End Function

Private Function FindPosition(ByRef text As String, ByVal i As Integer)
Dim position As Integer = 0
While 0 < i
i -= 1
position += 1
If i = 0 Or text.Chars(i) = vbCr Then
Exit While
End If
End While
Return position
End Function

Private Function FindRegions(ByRef text As String, ByRef REGION_START As String, ByRef REGION_END As String)
Dim result As Stack = New Stack()
Dim pos As Stack = New Stack(2)
Dim startIndex As Integer = 0
Dim endIndex As Integer
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim subValue As String = ""
startIndex = text.IndexOf(REGION_START, startIndex)
If startIndex = -1 Then
Exit Do
End If
startIndex = startIndex + REGION_START.Length
index = startIndex
endIndex = text.IndexOf(REGION_END, startIndex)
If endIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox("Endless Region")
Exit Do
End If
index = text.IndexOf(REGION_START, index)
If index = -1 Or endIndex < index Then
pos = New Stack(2)
Exit Do
endIndex = text.IndexOf(REGION_END, endIndex + REGION_END.Length)
index = index + REGION_START.Length
End If
Return result
End Function

Private Function OutlineBracketsLoop(ByRef REGION_START As String, ByRef REGION_END As String, ByRef regions As Stack, ByRef selections As ArrayList, ByRef text As String, ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByVal endIndex As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal length As Integer, ByVal current As Stack)
Dim startLine As Integer
Dim endLine As Integer
While i < length
current = regions.Pop
endIndex = current.Pop
startIndex = current.Pop
startLine = CalcLineNumber(text, startIndex)
endLine = CalcLineNumber(text, endIndex)
If startLine < endLine Then
selections.Add(FindPosition(text, startIndex) - 1)
selections.Add(FindPosition(text, endIndex))
End If
i += 1
End While
End Function

Private Function OutlineRegionsLoop(ByRef REGION_START As String, ByRef REGION_END As String, ByRef regions As Stack, ByRef selections As ArrayList, ByRef text As String, ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByVal endIndex As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal length As Integer, ByVal current As Stack)
Dim tmpIndex As Integer
While i < length
current = regions.Pop
endIndex = current.Pop
startIndex = current.Pop
tmpIndex = startIndex + REGION_START.Length
selections.Add(CalcLineNumber(text, startIndex))
selections.Add(1 + FindPosition(text, startIndex) + REGION_START.Length + text.Substring(tmpIndex, text.IndexOf(vbCr, startIndex) - tmpIndex).Length)
selections.Add(CalcLineNumber(text, endIndex) + 1)
i += 1
End While
End Function

Private Function SetOutline(ByRef selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection, ByRef selections As ArrayList)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim length As Integer = selections.Count()
While i < length
selection.MoveToLineAndOffset(selections.Item(i), selections.Item(i + 1))
selection.MoveToLineAndOffset(selections.Item(i + 2), selections.Item(i + 3), True)
i += 4
End While
End Function

End Module

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