Following Daniel suggestion (first comment), I have grabbed a cabled keyboard and a cabled mouse from a colleague and I have been able to finish the initial procedure. Happy to be a Mac Mini user now, it works like a charm!
as tweeted already, apparently there's no way I can buy a dishwasher. Last time I almost came back home with a pretty cool Samsung Blue Ray Player ... but I bought nothing, this time I did a mistake: I bought a Mac Mini.
The time my new Mac Mini has been switched on is no longer than 10 minutes, and right now I am still unable to use it ... and I would like to tell you the story ...
Nothing On The Package
It's clean and small, no requirements or dependencies specified anywhere. Being the package obviously close, I have not been able to RTFM.The only thing I took care of was the absence of the HDMI cable ... not a big deal, I have bought one and this, at least, works like a charm!
Pretty Cool And Useless Gadgets
Wireless keyboard and wireless trackpad, these gadgets are a must have for my room configuration: a 32" LED Sony Bravia screen with Full HD capability and a comfortable (and cheap) sofa about 1 meter far away from the screen. The plan was perfect, the result still a disaster.Totally Stuck On First Run
As you can see from this picture, there is nothing I can do. Trust me, both keyboard and trackpad are switched on, and the lovely King of Operating Systems is unable to recognize them and, for this reason, unable to let me use the consistent amount of money I have spent few minutes before.
Epic Fail
All Apple gadgets and products come ready and easy to use, this is a key for this company and the reason I gave up trying to avoid its products ... these are simply great.I could never expect such problem using all official Apple/Mac stuff, and if this is a known issue either a marketing strategy (I should buy a mouse now, uh? I won't!) it's a massive hole in the whole UX excellence we think when we talk about Apple.
Please put massive cubic labels over each Mac Mini saying: without our mouse, you can't do anything!
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